Finden Sie schnell led strahler mit stativ für Ihr Unternehmen: 4 Ergebnisse

L7 LED Scheinwerfer

L7 LED Scheinwerfer

Daylight Tuneable allows for fine-tuning of the daylight color temperature from 5,000 K - 6,500 K with increased brightness over the L7-C, and is particularly suited to applications requiring precise


BRÜCKEN INFRASTRUKTUREINRICHTUNGEN Utilitas Tallinn Bioenergiezentrum GmbH Kraftwerk Klagenfurt Ost Horizon Pulp & Paper Ltd. Stora Enso Wood Products Zdirec s.r.o
L5 LED Scheinwerfer

L5 LED Scheinwerfer

Color temperature, tint and hue can be continuously adjusted from 2,800 K to 10,000K, between full plus or minus green and RGBW colors.
L10 LED Scheinwerfer

L10 LED Scheinwerfer

Color temperature, tint and hue can be continuously adjusted from 2,800 K to 10,000K, between full plus or minus green and RGBW colors.